Cover Reveal: Toni Aleo – Hooked by Love (Bellevue Bullies #3)

Hooked by Love-high




By Toni Aleo

COMING 12.28.2015

Things are out of control for the Sinclair boys! With two already in the NHL, Jace Sinclair is ready to follow in his brothers’ HUGE skates in the last Bellevue Bullies novel…

Jace Sinclair here, and I’m amazing. There is no other way to describe me. I am the leading scorer for the Bellevue Bullies, I’m the captain, and people love me: my family, my teammates, my coach, and the NHL. I already have one foot in the draft and I’m ready. This is my last year in college–it’s basically a conditioning year to get me ready for the NHL, to further my game, and I have to be focused. But then, it’s also my last year to have fun and not give a damn before my life really starts. Which means I’m gonna run through every girl I meet. That’s my plan. Because my one and only love is hockey. It keeps me warm even when it’s freezing. It’s always there when nothing else is. And it pushes me to be the best I can be. It’s my love.

That is, until I see her against a tree with a guitar.


The last thing I wanted was to meet anyone. My heart is on the bench because I’ve watched my mom get broken by the person I call my father, and I don’t want that for myself. I don’t want to be hurt by anyone. I can’t give them that power.

But my heart is begging for ice time, and I can’t control it around her.

* * *

I’ve always been in the background. No one has ever had time for me and that’s fine; I’ve learned to cope. Coming from a family where hockey is life, the last thing I want is some big, burly hockey player charging at me. I don’t have time for it, but Jace Sinclair isn’t one to be deked around. The thing is, I came to the University of Bellevue for one reason and one reason only. To make my dreams of being a singer/songwriter come true. To work in the industry and pay my dues. Become who I really want to be.

I didn’t want to meet anyone. I didn’t want to end up freezing the puck with him. It’s not what I want.

I have demons.

I have issues.

Living in the shadows, no one even knew until it was too late. But Jace wants to know.

He wants me.

And that scares me the living hell out of me.

We were so worried about what would happen if we fell, but we never thought what could happen in the process of falling. We never saw it coming. But it’s here, and the repercussions are not pretty. We should have known that there is no way out of the zone when you are being Hooked by Love.


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Blog Tour: Tina Wainscott – Falling Fast (Falling Fast #1)


He needed to drive by Nancy’s cottage one more time. Maybe sit out on the deck and remember the times they had shared lasagna after he’d been painting all day or refinishing her wood floors. That was the only payment he accepted, her home-cooked meals and her friendship.

He pulled down the gravel road that housed five cottages built in the sixties. One of them was in the process of being torn down, no doubt to be replaced by something shiny and new. The small Panhandle town didn’t boast wide, sugar-sand beaches. The scrubland in this area, with its sea-grass-covered dunes, hadn’t been developed as it had farther west. But, with the economy recovering, Chambliss was now seeing the results of the dredging project begun years ago.

As he neared Nancy’s home, his heartbeat spiked at the sight of two cars parked out front, lights blazing inside. Mia and her parents, he bet. They’d probably just arrived, given the luggage in the open trunk. He paused, even though he knew that he should back up and leave.

Like now.

Except he couldn’t, because the front door opened and a woman stepped out. His heart tripped and coughed and gasped like a gunked-up carburetor. Mia. Her dark-brown hair was piled up on her head, loose strands framing her face. She stepped off the front porch and out of the light, but in that brief glimpse he could see her tired, sad expression as she headed toward the open trunk. Which would put her only a few yards away from his car.

He still couldn’t lift his foot from the brake pedal. His windows were tinted, so she wouldn’t see him. He couldn’t see her as well, either, but he saw enough as she hefted out the black suitcase. Now his heart was racing, seventy, eighty, a hundred miles an hour. She wore a red top, one sleeve drooping off her shoulder, and shorts. Still trim and long in the torso. Still about five- five. It was her face, what he could see of it in the distant lighting, that gripped him. In this light, as beautiful as ever. Memories flashed through his mind like a slide show: her laughing; smiling shyly; closing her eyes and arching as she came beneath him. Whispering his name, her fingers digging into his back.

She looked up then, her gaze zeroing in on his car. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she tilted her head in the way he’d seen a hundred times. Something inside him screamed to lower the window and say something. Hello. How are you? I’m so sorry . . .

She turned to glance behind her, where her father was coming down the steps. Raleigh hit the gas and shot forward to the end of the lane, where he had to pry his fingers from the steering wheel to put the car into park. He was shaking.

Dammit, he’d almost screwed up. Talking to her would only dredge up a painful past for Mia. Maybe her anger, too. Her father would have blown a gasket. Mia didn’t deserve to suffer anymore over him.

He forced himself to breathe normally and pull around the small cul-de-sac. As he passed Nancy’s cottage, he vowed that he wouldn’t look. But he couldn’t help it. Everyone was inside, the cars closed up. He told himself it was for the better. That maybe he shouldn’t attend the funeral after all. How the hell was he going to handle seeing her without a tinted window and the night between them?


Buy Links:  Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo | Goodreads




Fans of Jasinda Wilder and Colleen Hoover will adore this emotional new small-town romance—a smoldering tale of first love and long-awaited redemption from USA Today bestselling author Tina Wainscott.

Raleigh West works in an auto shop day and night, trying to put his broken past out of mind. It’s been seven years since the fiery crash that landed his teenage sweetheart in the hospital . . . and him in jail. In an instant, he lost everything: his passion for racing, his hope of escaping his father’s shameful legacy, and the only girl he ever loved. Raleigh hasn’t seen her since that awful night. Never got a chance to apologize. And never forgave himself, either.

When brave, beautiful Mia Wentworth returns to the Florida coast for the first time in what seems like forever, it’s not to see Raleigh. Even so, the moment she arrives she can feel his presence like a gust of wind that gives her goose bumps. Opening her heart to him again seems impossible. But staying away? That might be harder still. Lucky for them both, Mia’s never been the kind of woman to take the easy way out.


About the Author:

USA Today bestselling author Tina Wainscott has always loved the combination of romance and suspense, because nothing complements falling in love better than being hunted down. The author of more than thirty novels and novellas, Wainscott creates characters with baggage, past hurts, and vulnerabilities. They go through hell, find love, and, at the end, find peace in who they are and everything they’ve gone through. And isn’t that what everyone wants?


Follow Tina Wainscott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Loveswept Mug, Flirt Mug & Select Ebook Bundle

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Pen Community and Acceptance

2015-04-17 10.33.18

From Left to Right: Myke Hurley, moi (in my Wallabies Jersey), Mike Dudek (from the Clicky Post), Sarah Holbrook (from Candyspotting) & Brad Dowdy.


Last weekend I was thrilled to attend the Atlanta Pen Show along with a community that has been drawn to an amazing podcast called The Pen Addict with Brad Dowdy  and Myke Hurley.  This community raised $13,596 on Kickstarter which was nearly twice the goal in order to bring Myke from London to meet his long time co-host for the first time.  This community which has grown around these two amazing individuals really taught me a special lesson this past week about acceptance.

Once I finally arrived from a 6 1/2 hour drive from Orlando through miserable rainy weather I was tired and exhausted.  But seeing Brad in the hotel bar gave me a second wind.  And then seeing a notice on the Slack channel that had been set up for all of us prior to the event with an invitation to join them at the bar I did just that.  As most of us are I’m terribly introverted at the best of times until I get to know people but upon seeing me Brad’s face lit up like he was seeing a long lost friend and offered a hug.  Even remembering this has me in tears.  There was no secret hand shake.  No need to prove that I belonged.  I just did.

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This continued all weekend from meeting up with Sherri for a little down time talking podcasts and being an introvert at these sort of events to our Friday nite party at Nockco HQ to the “Pen & Ink” session that was set up while the podcast was being recorded.  We even tried to listen live to the podcast but unfortunately that was not possible.

Catching up with Lisa Anderson was also a highlight and I got three, count them three, #Lisahug during the course of the entire event.

Breakfast each morning was also a surprise.  You never knew who would join us at the hotel for breakfast.  I was honored and delighted to have a chance to give Myke a little present on Saturday.  And hope it encourages him about the importance of even his retired show Bionic which he co-hosted with Matt Alexander which I personally use as a stress reliever during my lunch breaks.  Long live VLCNR!

Then the show finished and I returned to my normal work week which included catching up on a whole host of podcast that I was behind including Accidental Tech Podcast otherwise known as ATP.  The three host of this show are such a diverse group of men that I find the show educational and comically hilarious at times.  Episode 113 was the huge announcement by John Siracusa that he was hanging up his Mac OS X review hat and going to enjoy his summer this year.  I was terribly sorry to hear this announcement but I’m thrilled that John may be able to be involved in more podcasts.  John’s perspective is unique and I enjoy his analytic analysis of everything including the Cards Against Humanity toaster reviews.  Which are a riot!

John asked April 24th at 4:10 pm the following:


John_Siracusa_Women atpfm

So I replied back to John with the following two tweets:


Shirene Twitter2And the more I thought about this over the course of the evening the angrier I became because for some reason the tech community in general still doesn’t get that Women may be interested.  I applaud John for asking the question but the answers he received were dominated by men giving their opinion when it wasn’t even asked for.  There still seems to be a hold out in some communities including Technology that unless you are part of the prescribed audience that you must either be quiet, learn the secret handshake or just deal with lack of inclusion.  Well to be perfectly honest this SUCKS!

After being part of such a vibrant pen community that didn’t care about my gender, marital status, race, religion and then to be reminded that some people still don’t get it was a terrible way to end the work week.  However writing this post reminds me of all the amazing people that I came into contact at the Atlanta Pen Show.  And proves definitively to me that Christmas doesn’t just come once a year when you have a community that loves and accepts you for you.

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Brad, me and Myke on Sunday of the Atlanta Pen Show

Thanks to everyone that I met along the way and for all the new friends.  You’ve reminded me why I love this community all over again.  And if you are wondering these are my new pen purchases.  And can’t wait till next year to do it all over again.2015-04-17 13.52.41 2015-04-17 14.54.10 2015-04-17 15.07.29-1



Blog Tour: Kylie Scott – Deep (Stage Dive #4)


“C’mon. How have you been, really? What’s been going on with you?” he pushed. I frowned at him and he frowned right back. “Liz, please.”

I groaned in defeat. “All right, I suck.”

“Why do you suck?”

“So very many reasons.” I pushed my hair back from my face—no more hiding. “Pregnancy sucks. It’s natural, my ass. I finally stop throwing up, but I’m tired all the time. Giving up coffee was horrendous. None of my clothes fit right because of these stupid breasts, and they ache constantly. I have to pee like every thirty seconds, and then to top it off, I cry every time the Healthy Hound ad comes on. It’s ridiculous.”

Little wrinkles appeared either side of his nose. “You cry at a dog food ad?”

“Yes. The puppies jump all over each other to get to their mother and it’s just so beautiful, with their cute little tails wagging and everything.”

He just stared at me.

“I know its psycho, Ben. Believe me, I’m well aware of this.”

“Hey, it’s fine.” He covered a smile with his hand. Too late, the bastard.

“You try dealing with all these hormones going apeshit. Crap. Apeshoot.”


“I’m trying not to swear,” I explained. “You want the first word our child comes out with to be something bad?”

“No. Gotcha.” The man was incredibly bad at hiding a grin. “No swearing.”

Meet Ben and Lizzy on

March 31st!

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:





Positive. With two little lines on a pregnancy test, everything in Lizzy Rollins’ ordinary life is about to change forever. And all because of one big mistake in Vegas with Ben Nicholson, the irresistibly sexy bass player for Stage Dive. So what if Ben’s the only man she’s ever met who can make her feel completely safe, cherished, and out of control with desire at the same time? Lizzy knows the gorgeous rock star isn’t looking for anything more permanent than a good time, no matter how much she wishes differently.


Ben knows Lizzy is off limits. Completely and utterly. She’s his best friend’s little sister now, and no matter how hot the chemistry is between them, no matter how sweet and sexy she is, he’s not going to go there. But when Ben is forced to keep the one girl he’s always had a weakness for out of trouble in Sin City, he quickly learns that what happens in Vegas, doesn’t always stay there. Now he and Lizzie are connected in the deepest way possible…but will it lead to a connection of the heart?

deep teaser 2

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Stage Dive Series Reading Order

Lick (Book One)

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:



Play (Book Two)

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:



Lead (Book Three)

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:



Deep (Book Four)

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:




deep teaser 3 deep teaser 4 deep teaser 1








kylie scott

About the Author:

Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Win a SIGNED SET of the Stage Dive Series

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PRE-RELEASE BLITZ: Kylie Scott – Deep (Stage Dive #4)

deep pre-release


“Where have you been?” My sister rushed forward, catching me up in a tight hug. “I’ve been trying to call you all day. We checked everywhere and couldn’t find you.”

“Sorry. I just needed some alone time.” I squeezed her back, unable to stop from smiling. The thought of Anne turning her back on me had scared me more than I liked to admit.

“Well, I get you might want that.” She stepped back. “But you could have told someone.”

“You can’t just disappear like that.” And Ben kept right on frowning. “Shit, Liz, you’re pregnant.”

“Don’t upset her,” snapped Anne.

Ben ignored her. “I don’t know what the hell’s going on in your head. But you need to let me know where you are.”

My eyebrows went up and my mouth opened, ready to rip him a new one.

“She doesn’t answer to you. She’ll let you know if and when she decides to let you know,” said Mal, laying down the law to his bandmate before turning my way. “You will text your sister next time you decide to go wandering for a day, understood?”

My mouth, it still hung open.

“Christ, man.” Over and over, Ben’s hands rolled into tight fists before releasing again. “Can you cut the shit and get off my back for a fucking minute?”

“Don’t swear at him.” My usually sensible and staid sister poked a finger dead center in Ben’s broad chest. “You’re the one that caused this mess, thank you very much. She might still be a little young and naive, but you’re definitely old enough to know better.”

“That’s right.” Standing about as tall as a skyscraper, despite only coming up to Ben’s nose, Mal stared him down. Or up. Whatever. “This is a family matter. You can leave, thanks.”

deep pre-order now

Meet Ben and Lizzy on

March 31st!

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:





Positive. With two little lines on a pregnancy test, everything in Lizzy Rollins’ ordinary life is about to change forever. And all because of one big mistake in Vegas with Ben Nicholson, the irresistibly sexy bass player for Stage Dive. So what if Ben’s the only man she’s ever met who can make her feel completely safe, cherished, and out of control with desire at the same time? Lizzy knows the gorgeous rock star isn’t looking for anything more permanent than a good time, no matter how much she wishes differently.


Ben knows Lizzy is off limits. Completely and utterly. She’s his best friend’s little sister now, and no matter how hot the chemistry is between them, no matter how sweet and sexy she is, he’s not going to go there. But when Ben is forced to keep the one girl he’s always had a weakness for out of trouble in Sin City, he quickly learns that what happens in Vegas, doesn’t always stay there. Now he and Lizzie are connected in the deepest way possible…but will it lead to a connection of the heart?

deep teaser 2

deep teaser 6 deep

Stage Dive Series Reading Order

Lick (Book One)

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:



Play (Book Two)

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:



Lead (Book Three)

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:



Deep (Book Four)

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:



deep teaser 3 deep teaser 4 deep teaser 1








kylie scott

About the Author:

Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


 And I have my copy pre-ordered on Audible all ready!

Short & Sweet Review: My Dragon Masters by Krystal Shannan

Title:  My Dragon Masters

Author:  Krystal Shannan

Series:  Sanctuary, Texas #2

Genre:  Paranormal Romance

Rating: 4 Stars

Publication Date: December 18, 2014

Sweet or Spicy Romance: Spicy

Page Count: 342

Published by: KS Publishing

Purchase: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / GoodReads / ARe


Fire and ice don’t go together… or do they?

When the beast within wakes, her desires burn with a fire she can’t escape. She won’t let anything stop her, not even the fact that she has no memory. She doesn’t know who… or what she is, but also can’t shake the feeling that she’s something more than human.

Dragon shifter twin brothers, Miles and Eli Blackmoor, are exiled Drakonae kings. A thousand years ago they lost their soul mate, Diana Karlson. Betrayed by their own people, they spent centuries on earth searching for a way to reclaim their birthright and their wife. They’ve dedicated their lives to protecting the House of Lamidae, hoping one day one of the seers in the house would have a vision to help them.

All the Sisters ever say is… she is coming to you.

Warning: Contains scorching m/f/m menage, bondage, and a sassy dragon female who wants her mates to play!



I had mammoth expectations going into this book because I had placed book 1 on the Best of 2014 list.  Unfortunately I didn’t have the same connection to Diana or Miles and Eli.  I’m unsure if that is because of the amnesia or if there were other things that just didn’t hit the same note for me.  There were glimmers of real joy in reading of this book but overall for me it just didn’t connect with me.  However I do look forward to the next installment of this series with the great hope that I will fall back in love with Sanctuary Texas and its many characters.

Sanctuary Texas Series:

  1. My Viking Vampire
  2. My Dragon Masters

Will you continue with the series: Yes

Will you read something by this author again: Yes

A copy of My Dragon Masters was provided to me by the author and nothing else was exchanged for my honest review.

Review: An Alpha’s Fate by Lia Davis

Title:  An Alpha’s Fate

Author:  Lia Davis

Series:  Ashwood World #1

Genre:  Paranormal Romance

Rating:  4 Stars

Publication Date: March 10, 2015

Sweet or Spicy Romance: Spicy

Page Count: 34

Published by: Fated Desires

Purchase: Amazon / Goodreads


Greenridge Pack princess, Reagan Summers, will protect her wolves at all cost. After finding out about his illegal activities that harmed so many innocents, she kills the Alpha Wolf her father arranged for her to marry. Afraid and on the run, she turns to the only person she trusts, her true mate, Logan.

Birchwood Pack Alpha, Logan Webb, watched Reagan walk out of his life over ten years ago. When she contacts him needing help, something in her voice puts his wolf in full protection mode. But seeing her in the flesh wakes a raw, primal desire long buried.


Sometimes you have a limited sliver of time maybe between appointments or just need an hour’s break from the hectic pace of your life and are looking for a book to fill in this precious time.  This book will fit the bill perfectly.

The story has enough pace, romance and characters to allow a reader to jump into this world and feel satisfied at the end.  I was able to sit down with this book and consume it during my lunch break which lasts around an hour.

This is also a perfect chance to check out Ms. Davis’ writing if you haven’t tried her yet.  This story encapsulates her typical stories with heroines that we root for and heroes that we long to see matched with their equal and a well developed world that grabs the reader and won’t let you go.

Final Thoughts:  I’m looking forward to more snapshots into this world that Ms. Davis has created and encourage you to check this book out.  And if you are a fan of Ashwood Falls series then this will act as a companion series while we wait for the next installment from Ms. Davis.

Ashwood World Series

Will you continue with the series: Yes

Will you read something by this author again: Yes

Fated Desires Publishing provided me with a copy of An Alpha’s Fate but nothing else was exchanged for my honest review.

Changing the World One Woman at a Time

I don’t know about you but I can’t seem to go 5 minutes without someone taking a pot shot at a woman and I’m over it.
This includes everything from her clothes to her weight to her favorite reading material to a movie she sees. And everything in between.
Just this morning I was gearing up for another day at the office when I came across two such posts. One was one woman being snarky about another woman’s weight. The other is even more disturbing about a woman being stalked by another woman.
I don’t know about you but I’m DONE! Woman are amazing. We are typically the more nurturing and caring of the species and yet there are some out there that have nothing better to do than attack virtually or unfortunately physically others of the same gender.
I say it is time to show the world what #truegirlpower is all about. Take the opportunity to encourage a woman in your life. Send a positive note to one of your favorite authors and let them know you value them for their work and to keep it up. Tell the woman in your office that you value them even if they are having a bad day. Not to mention stop and send a word to your mom, sister, daughter, cousin niece or your best friend and tell them how much you value them in your life.
Let us see what sort of impact we woman can have when we see value instead of difference, gratitude instead of body shape, and encouragement instead of a snarky quip that you post or tweet.
Because truthfully don’t we get enough of that from Men. Why do we want to do it to each other too?
So make a woman’s day by being a spotlight on her uniqueness and personality. Then let’s watch as we change the world one woman at a time.

Review: Finding Holland by Grace Ryles

Title:  Finding Holland

Author:  Grace Ryles

Series:  Grand Oak Springs #3

Genre:  Contemporary Romance

Rating:  3 Stars

Publication Date: January 7, 2015

Sweet or Spicy Romance: Spicy

Page Count: 137

Published by: Siren-Bookstrand

Purchase: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Goodreads


A betrayal six years ago sent Holland Mathers’ world spinning. Forcing her to flee the only place she’d ever known and the only men she’d ever loved. Vowing to move on from the past, lands her in a local dungeon being manhandled by her date, Mitchel. The men who come to her rescue are non-other than the objects of her desire, the men she thought she’d lost forever.

Adrian Reyes and Oliver Edwards have loved Holland ever since the day they found her on the side of the road. Their relationship lasted only six months, but that was enough for them to spend all of their time searching for her when she fled their small town, without an explanation. Knowing that without her they will never be complete, they are determined to show her that their love can overcome whatever she is hiding from them.

A chance encounter leads them to reuniting again, but things aren’t that simple. Can they find a way back into her heart and bed or will they lose her forever?


As many shades of love abound there are a plethora of shades and nuances of misunderstanding and hurt.  This book revolves around a miscommunication on the part of the lovers and fear of rejection.  Unfortunately it has cost all of our main characters time and heartache but they seek to rectify all of that in Finding Holland.

Holland’s determination to move forward in her life amidst her strife and turmoil was very touching.  She is a woman who believes that she will eventually be left behind which has driven her to re-imagine and re-shape her life.  So she seeks and eventually finds a sanctuary in Grand Oak Springs where she has found a measure of peace.  She has even begun dating again in the hopes of finding love again.

Adrian and Oliver, however, have been searching for Holland since her disappearance from their lives.  She is the missing part of each of their lives and they want her back for good this time.  These two men are interesting characters.  They both have distinctive drives but a singular purpose in finding Holland and placing her squarely back in their lives.

The heat between these three characters is combustible.  Once past hurts are soothed and misunderstandings are rectified the reader is in for a ride.

Final Thoughts:  This is a very enjoyable read and one that can be read as a stand-alone if you want to wade into the deep end of this series.

Grand Oak Springs Series

Will you continue with the series: Yes

Will you read something by this author again: Yes


Ms Ryles provided me with a copy of Finding Holland but nothing else was exchanged for my honest review.

An Alpha’s Fate by Lia Davis Pre-order & Giveaway

An Alpha's FateWelcome to Ashwood World

In An Alpha’s Fate, Reagan is the princes of the Greenhedge Pack–a small Pack of about 100, give or take, members nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains about 50 miles from the Brichwood Pack. She’s the only child of the Alpha and the heir to the Pack. When she met Logan, Alpha of Birchwood, she knew he was hers. They fell in love and made plans to merge the Packs together, since her father was ill and would soon pass. However, when she returned to her Pack to tell her father, all plans of a happy future crumbled. Her father had signed a mating contract with a male Reagan didn’t know or wanted.


An Alpha’s Fate (An Ashwood World story)

Pre-order it now for $0.99:

Greenridge Pack princess, Reagan Summers, will protect her wolves at all cost. After finding out about his illegal activities that harmed so many innocents, she kills the Alpha Wolf her father arranged for her to marry. Afraid and on the run, she turns to the only person she trusts, her true mate, Logan.

Birchwood Pack Alpha, Logan Webb, watched Reagan walk out of his life over ten years ago. When she contacts him needing help, something in her voice puts his wolf in full protection mode. But seeing her in the flesh wakes a raw, primal desire long buried.

 AAF HD6 giveaway


Celebrate the upcoming release of An Alpha’s Fate by following the Rafflecopter instructions and enter to win a Kindle Fire HD 6 or one of four $25 Amazon gift cards.

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